How do you call your wife ?(in Japan) The word for wife is typically (tsuma, sai). One of the other word is (tsuma, ju). is nowadays remains only for place names. There are many a towns and villages that has the name meaning 'my wife' like as  (Azuma),  (Azuma). If yous take a look at the town names, you will find eight "Azuma town" or "Azuma village" thouth some are written as  . The meaning of is 'east' and the normal pronunciation is "higashi" or "toh". An ancient legend tells that a prince sighed "azuma haya" ('my wife is no more (alive)' looking to the east where his wife died. Thenafter aquired the pronunciation of "azuma". If local names are included more than hundred might be found. Japasese are wife-loving people. There is a village named   (Tsuma koi mura). It means 'wife love village'. In this context, there is a prefecture having the name of   ('love beautiful-lady prefecture'). What other country have this kind of place names. No place name of 'my husband' nor 'husband love' exists. There are many synonyms for "wife". They are composed by two kanjis. But I do not mention about it right now. They will appear later. How do you introduce your wife to others? This is my is of course good. But fifty years ago, usual expression might have been 'This is  . "gu sai" means 'stupid wife'. In older times, no, still now, humility was thought the most important virtue of human. So nevertheless he knows how his wife is wise, he introduced his wife as  . In this article, you will notice the word is almost never used in usual conversation. Nowadays commonly used expression is 'This is my  (kanai)'. means 'house', 'inside'. The direct meaning of  is 'the person in my home' ('mistress'). Sometimes,    (tsure ai) is used. It means 'matched companion'. It resembles 'spouse' but 'spouse' has another formal word   "hai guh sha" (direct meaning is the person happenedly supplied as the partner (by god)).   is a legalese term and not used in usual conversation. More colloquial expression is 'This is my    (ka mi sa n). Later, I will mention about the kanji for "kami". "san" is a kind of 'Mr., Mrs. Ms.'. A rude expression is  or   "kakaa".
You can find the meaning of here used kanjis at Find kanji for your name.How do you say about your wife in her absence? Allmost the same with above. But I must add most commonly used expression:  "nyoh-boh", more often expressed as     "u chi no nyoh-boh". The meaning of  is ambiguous. Sometimes it means 'I'. In this case it means 'our home'. is a postposition representing possession. Direct meaning of  is 'a small room for woman'. Probably wives were given rather small room. This expression can be used in above case. But wives are not satisfied of the meaning. How about compared to  . Of course, wives do not like it. But this one is traditionally thought as formal. Probably wives suffer this word in consideration of keeping the dignity of her husband. If the dignity of the husband falls, accordingly her dignity would fall. No one thinks  would be understood literally. How do you call one's wife to her husband? Most commonly 'How is your   ?' To be more polite, 'How is your  ?' To be too much polite (in joke), 'How is your  '.  is used to a noble lady (chatelaine). Coloquially,    is used if she is absent at the situation. Here once again   is used as a very rude expression. Do not use it if you are a gentleman. How do you call the wife herself in face of her husband? The same with above. Noticeable is that the pronouns for 'you' are almost never used. If pronouns are used, it means that her husband is ignored. So,   acts as a pronoun. How do people call your wife in your absence? The mix of above three are used except  . Only the husband can use it. The only situaltion of using it is using it as a bad joke in a comedy. Here I add some.  "sai kun". The direct meaning is "small person" not "slender person" though literally it can be understood as slender person. Basically it was the word used by the husband like as  . Nowadays less used.   "yome sa n". The direct meaning is 'bride' "san", more politely    "o yome sa n" if she is young, simply if she is old.   "yome ha n"is used in kansai area around Osaka and Kyoto. How do you introduce one's wife to public audience? Now 'I introduce you   "rei fu jin" of someone'. This is the most formal.  "rei shitsu" is also used but less used (younger people may not know the meaning). Introducing by 'someone'.  is all right. How do you call your wife at your home? This is the most difficult situation. Among various you's, probably the most frequently used is  "o mae". In honeymoon, the couple behave as friend and call by name adding  "san" or   "chan" or by nickname. But gradually they think their relation should be something more than friendly. And the husband thinks 'It is meaningless to give bait to already caught fish' and does come to the idea of using of "omae". But in the face of guest, "omae" is a little confusing, so he select calling by the name of wife not adding "san" nor "chan" (He thinks he must show his dignity as the master of the house). Or he comes to the idea of adding "oi" previous to the name of wife or "omae". "oi" is something like 'hi or say'. If she is at some distance apart, "oi" becomes "ohhh-i". Then he becomes accustomed to use "oi" and now the name of wife is omitted and "oi" becomes the pronoun for calling his wife. Often wives complain "I am not an oi". Naturally, they will have childrens. Childrens call their mother    "o-kaa-sa-n". Childrens ask their father 'where is "okaasan" '. Now the father replies "okaasan" went to shopping. Thus "okaasan" or "kaasan" becomes the pronoun for calling his wife. Now he speak to the wife, "okaasan". I suppoese this situation would be much the same in other countries. About     "kami" is  in kanji. The direct meaning is 'inside manager', so it means 'landlady' or 'mistress'. Usually "o" is added at the top     "okami san". The sound of "kami" reminds "kami" 'god'. This god is fickle as the weather in mountain. The god of mountain is thought as godess because of her changeableness and feared. Thus   "yama no kami" sometimes used as 'wife'. This goddess has horns. If you make your wife angry, horns will grow on her head. There is a Chinese related page telling about How chinese call wife in english. But to read it, the chinese fonts should be installed in your computer. I prepared a page for reading it.