How do you call your husband ?(in Japan) The word for husband is (otto, fu) with no other synonym of one letter word. The original meaning of is merely a male man. In ancient days there was a synonim like word: (se). The ordinary meaning of back (bone), (one's) height and back up, one who back up (elder brother, lover). is not used single when it means husband.   (se no kimi) is the one, literally it means one who back up me. But this   is an ancient word, nowaday only used in jokes. The other is in the word:  (imo se). The ordinary meaning of is younger sister, but in ancient time, it meand beloved girl, thus  meant a couple in love and then wife and husband. Nowadays this word is heard only in the celemonial greeting words at marriage. By the way why english language does not havee independent words for younger sister, or elder sister, younger brother or elder brother? The kanji for elder sister is (ane, shi), younger brother: (otohto, tei, dai), elder brother: (ani, kei, kyoh). On the contray, japanese language has no word for sister nor brother. Sister is expressed as  (shi-mai) and brother as  (kyoh-dai)..  implicitly includes  . Therefore if one ask how many "kyoh-dai" do you have, "shi-mai" should be included in the reply and sisters often say "we the "kyo-dai" rather than "shi-mai". There are several synonyms for "husband". They are composed by two kanjis. How do you introduce your husband to others? This is my is of course good, but not often heard though often seen in written language, is the standard. The most standard and also formal is  (shu jin), more often ambiguous ,   "u chi no" is added to form     . Literally  means "master person". has another meaning 'owner'. So,     can be understood as 'my owner person'. An informal alternative of  is  (tei shu). The direct meaning is 'small-house master'. This expression is used only among familiar friends. Another informal one is  (dan na) also used only among familiar friends. The direct meaning "daybreak country" has no relation to 'husband'. This word is said came with Buddhism and came from the word dana in sanscrit language meaning 'donation'. Sanscrit is said an origin of all Ind-European language including english language. Originally  meant the sponsor who donnate and support a priest, nowadays support wife.  : "geisha" girls were also sponsered by  . Here also     and     are often heard.    is also all right but less heard. You can find the meaning of here used kanjis at Find kanji for your name.How do you say about your husband in his absence? Allmost the same with above. There are some bad-mouth words.    . It is a colloquial variation of  with the sense of disdain. Another one is  (yado roku). means 'stay' or 'inn'. means 'six' but it came from (roku the same pronunciation with . meant the salary of "Samurai" the warrior. And in this case, should be thought as the abbreviation of    meaning "one whose salary is scarce. Therfore,  means 'the bloodsucker who stay in my house'. How do you call one's husband to her wife? Most commonly 'How is your   "go shu jin"?' Usually the polite "go" is added. Often      "o taku no go shu jin" is heard. is the polite "o". is 'home or house'. Here   means 'your master in your house'. The usage of "go" and "o" is ambiguous. Generally "o" is added to traditional japanese language oriented pronunciation ("kun yomi") and "go" to chinese oriented pronunciation ("kun-yomi") but there are many exceptions.      is all right as colloquial expression.     is also heard. No "o" or "go" is added to  . Most politely, "sama": 'Sir' is added like as       (too polite! "o" and "sama").   is all right. How do you call the husband himself in face of his wife? The same with above. Noticeable is that the pronouns for 'you' are almost never used. If pronouns are used, it means that his wife is ignored. So,   acts as a pronoun. How do people call your husband in your absence? The mix of above. Here I add some.    "tsure ai" can be used collouially. Sometimes,    "o muko sa n" is used when the couple are young. When the couple are old, simple "muko" is used and it means the man who married in the family of the bride. How do you introduce one's husband to public audience This situation is rather rare. 'Now I introduce you   "go shu jin" of someone'. This is the most standard.    and   are also used. How do you call your husband at your home? This is the most difficult situation. Among various you's, probably the most frequently used is  "a nata" colloquially often pronounced as "a nta". In former days,    "o mae sa n" was used among merchants and craftmen and  "o mee" was used among farmers. Naturally, they will have childrens. Childrens call their father    "o-toh-sa-n". Childrens ask their mother 'where is "otohsan" '. Now the mother replies "otohsan" went to work. Thus "otohsan" or "tohsan" becomes the pronoun for calling her husband. Now she speaks to the husband, "otohsan". I suppoese this situation would be much the same in other countries.