
技術セッション 17

Development of a Simplified Fatigue Test and Analysis Procedure Using a Viscoelastic, Continuum Damage Model


Jo Sias Daniel and Y. Richard Kim


 本報告は、様々な一軸引っ張り試験条件 (荷重のタイプと温度)を、一軸試験条件で得られた材料の応答から予測できる方法論についてのものである。 本方法論は、弾性-粘弾性・対応原理と仕事ポテンシャル理論、非可逆プロセスの熱力学に基づく連続体損傷理論とに基づくアスファルトコンクリートに対する一軸構造モデルである。
 サイクリック型と一定速の破壊試験の両方の制御モードで一軸試験を行った。いくかの温度について、各種のひずみの大きさ、周波数、および速度を適用した。適用した荷重条件 (サイクリック、単調、大きさ/速度、周波数)などにかかわらず、供試体の損傷が進むにつれて材料の固結が失われる状況を表す、単一の特性曲線が見いだされた。28 ℃以下のいかなる温度においても、時間-温度・重ね合わせ原理と減少した時間の考え方によって特性曲線は見いだされた。


This paper presents a methodology by which the material response under various uniaxial tensile testing conditions (type of loading and temperature) can be predicted from the material response obtained from a single testing condition. The methodology makes use of a uniaxial constitutive model for asphalt concrete that is based upon the elastic-viscoelastic correspondence principle and work potential theory, a continuum damage theory based on the thermodynamics of irreversible processes. Uniaxial tensile testing is performed under a controlled crosshead mode for both cyclic and constant rate to failure tests. Various strain amplitudes, frequencies, and rates are applied at several test temperatures. A single characteristic curve can be found that describes the reduction in material integrity as damage grows in the specimen, regardless of the applied loading conditions (cyclic versus monotonic, amplitude/rate, frequency). The characteristic curve at any temperature below 20C can be found by utilizing the time-temperature superposition principle and the concept of reduced time. In this study, eight WesTrack mixtures were tested and the methodology was applied to successfully predict the fatigue damage at different testing conditions from a single condition. A test and analysis procedure for the fatigue characterization of asphalt mixtures based on this methodology is proposed and potential applications are discussed.