kanji | sound onyomi kunyomi | meaning |
 | ra | be in a row, thin silk cloth (thin threads make a row?) Most of japanese do not know the meaning but can read it. |
 | ryoh, ra | good.  means outdoor and sometimes homeless.   means homeless cat. |
 | ra | rose.  is the rose. In chinese wording, often duplication of words that have the same meaning are used for making the meaning clear. |
 | ra, hadaka | naked |
 | rai, tsubomi | flower bud |
 | rai, kaminari | thunder |
 | rai, yori | rely  is outlaw who have nothing to rely on. |
 | ran, arashi | storm |
 | ran, midare | confusion |
 | ran | orchid |
 | ratsu | sharp, fierce |
 | rei | command, ordinance |
 | rei | clever |
 | rei, uruwashi | beautiful |
 | rei, re | etiquette, bow |
 | rei, suzu | bell |
 | rei, hagemu | make effort |
 | rei, mitama | soul. Another kanji for soul is rathar used for the soul of live person. |
 | rei (shimu) | rule, command. Sometimes used as hororific, probably meaning noble who rules.  means probably 'noble wife". The "yomi" for this kanji are many but hardly used. |
 | rei | zero |
 | ren, hasu | lotus, sacred flower of Buddha. Buddha sits on a lotus flower cushion. |
 | ren, koi | love, love affair |
 | ren | exercise |
 | ren tsure | connected, linked |
 | retsu | row. There is no letter having the sound of single "re". |
 | retsu | fierce |
 | ri, toshi | benefit |
 | ri, kotowari | reason, theory. often seen in japanese names. |
 | ri | a kind of jasmine with strong scent. I neveer saw this tree |
 | ri, sato | town, village |
 | ri | jewel, blue sapphire |
 | ri, uchi | back in |
 | riki, ryoku, chikara | power |
 | rin, hayashi | woods, forest. less woods than . |
 | rin | neat, crisp |
 | ritsu | rule, morale. often seen in female names. |
 | ritsu, ryuh, tatsu | stand, set up |
 | ritsu, ritsu_kuri | Japanese chestnut.  is pronunciated as "risu" meaning squirrel considered as a mouce who like chestnut. |
 | ro | thin nearly transparent cloth made from silk. |
 | ro, michi | road |
 | ro, tsuyu | dew. The upper part shows it water related weather phenomenon typically rain. |
 | ro, ryo | tone of music. Most of japanese do not know the meaning. Chinese and Korean use this letter in family name. |
 | roh, hogara | joyful |
 | roh | elegant, sexy |
 | roh | man, son. Often the first son is named "ichiroh" meaning first son. The ninth is "kuroh". |
 | roh, oi | old, aged |
 | roh | work, burden.   is a servant of heavy burden. |
 | roh | large house |
 | roh, musume | lass, young girl |
 | roku, muttsu, mu | siz |
 | ron | discuss, state. Very rarel used in names. |
 | ru, dome tome | stay, stop at. |
 | ru, ryuh, nagare | flow |
 | ru | jewel, ruby or saphire |
 | ryoh, ra | good |
 | ryuh | dragon |
 | ryuh | dragon. simplified style of . |
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